
I believe that you create what you love if you let go and trust yourself.  It feels like sheer magic as if the sun is shining down just on you. Creating comes naturally to me as I was always encouraged to pursue what makes me happy.  This freedom has been very important in shaping me as an artist.  I draw from within a place where my own passion takes over and its from that passionate place that my true creativity lives.

I started out studying illustration and then I discovered and fell in love with design.  What I love about design is its power to emotionally stimulate us and to visually challenge us to see things differently.  Design shows up in every part of our lives and makes us question who we are.  The challenge of creating something visually interesting that also conveys a message is something I enjoy very much.  Design to me is like a puzzle whose picture you cannot discover until you have fit all the pieces into place.  See my design creations here.

Photography makes me question everything about my life.  It makes me find the extraordinary in the ordinary; it makes me find the past in the present; it makes me find the simple in the chaotic; and it makes me find the possible in the impossible.  Creating images reconnects me with the world, lets my mind wonder free, and lets my senses remember.  See my photo creations here.

I am an independent, soft spoken, deep thinker who has found a passion for creating what I love and sharing it with others.